
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison

CS 639/839: Introduction to Blockchain Technologies
(Spring 2023)

A new undergraduate blockchain course designed from scratch. It follows the structure of an Operating Systems course and dives deep into the virtualization mechanisms, consensus protocols, and message propagation mechanisms of decentralized ledgers.

This course was accompanied by a series of guest lectures.

CS 537: Introduction to Operating Systems
(Co-Instructor w/ Remzi, Fall 2022)

I taught one of two sections of this course and helped organize the large course staff behind the scenes.

CS 839: Blockchains and Decentralized Applications
(Fall 2021)

A graduate-level paper reading class where we discussed seminal papers in the blockchain space as well as more recent work.

Teaching Assistant

As a graduate and undergrad student I was a TA for the following courses.

  • CS 4410: Operating Systems, Fall 2015, Spring 2017 (TA Award)
  • CS 4320: Database Systems, Fall 2014
  • Datenkommunikation (Computer Networks), Fall 2013